
Rolf Bekkedal Østby

A sincere and versatile guy who would like to show you why he loves the outdoors.

This quiet guy from Hadeland discovered outdoor life to the fullest when he went to Øytun: an outdoor recreation study in Northern Norway. Hes explored many of Norway's nooks and crannies, as well as some in Sweden and a handful of tours in Canada. Rolf has a deep love for being in nature and being able to use your body in the mountains. Furthermore, he wants to convey and share that experience with others. Looking around after a long day, skiing or walking, and seeing the smiles of those you have with you, nothing beats it.

In recent years he has worked with white water rafting in the summer and skiing in the winter, but has not quite decided what he likes best. Either way, the variety is important and he is always on the lookout for new things or discovering new places. If he is not on tour, hes planning one for the future.

Trips with Rolf Bekkedal Østby