KajSønnichsen@NorronaAdventure (3)

Kaj Sønnichsen

A well-traveled guy with an above-average interest in everything related to skis and skiing. Kaj is a certified Ski Guide from Nortind, a nurse, and an avalanche forecaster.

Kaj grew up in Australia but has called Norway home for the past 17 years. He has worked in the ski industry for over twenty years in various positions, starting as a ski technician and then spending several seasons in ski patrol in Norway and New Zealand before embarking on his guiding career.
His passion for skiing and travel has taken him to many places, from high-altitude descents in the Pamir Mountains to long traverses in remote areas of the Andes and the Arctic regions of Norway, as well as deep powder skiing in Hokkaido, Japan. These days, he spends his winters working as a ski guide and avalanche forecaster, and his summers as an emergency room nurse.

Where did you grow up?

Where do you currently call home?
Kvaløya, Tromsø.

Skiing – uphill, downhill, and cross-country.

When did you join the Norrøna Hvitserk family?

What do you always carry in your backpack?
Bixit cookies!

What do you actively do in your daily life to reduce your CO2 footprint?
I bike instead of driving.

What is your favorite place in the world?

What advice would you give to a 10-year-old version of yourself?
Learn to do some cool tricks on skis before you get old and feeble.

What hobbies do you enjoy outside of outdoor life?
Food – both cooking and eating.

What is your hidden talent?
The ability to be entertained by a topographic map for hours on end.

If you could choose one superpower, what would it be and why?
The ability to see through fog and flat light, because it would lead to more and better skiing!

Trips with Kaj Sønnichsen