DanielJohansen@NorronaAdventure (1)

Daniel Johansen

Daniel is a versatile person who enjoys being on both water and land - whether on foot, skiing, or cycling.

Among all the places in the world, the sea is Daniel's absolute favorite. This might be why he is so passionate about kayaking and has become a certified Sea Kayak Activity Leader through the Norwegian Paddle Association. Additionally, he holds a bachelor's degree in Outdoor Recreation from the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences.

Whether on water, in the woods, or in the mountains, you're likely to encounter Daniel. However, you're most likely to find him on one of his many cycling trips. Daniel is a passionate cyclist who rides as much as he can in his daily life to help the environment. He also has several long-distance tours under his belt.

Where did you grow up?

What do you call home these days?

Kayaking, climbing, cycling, hiking, backcountry skiing, cross-country skiing.

When did you join the Norrøna Hvitserk family?

Which Norrøna product is your current favorite?
Trollveggen shell jacket.

What do you always carry in your backpack?

What do you actively do in everyday life to cut down on your CO2 footprint?
Cycles as much as possible

What is your favorite place in the world?
The ocean.

What advice would you give to a 10-year-old version of yourself?
It's just to get started!

What hobbies do you like to participate in/spend time on outside of outdoor activities?
Playing and listening to music

What is your hidden talent?
Paddling a kayak upside down

If you could choose one superpower, what would it be and why?
Breathing underwater would have been nice.

Trips with Daniel Johansen