Anna Andreasson

Anna Andreasson

Sales and booking

Anna became part of the Norrøna Hvitserk team in 2023, and works primarily with tailor-made trips to Norway. She is passionate about creating dream trips in the wonderful nature that Norway has to offer.

Anna cherishes life at the summit of the mountains. Her roots trace back to southern Sweden, but every summer as a child, she would embark on yearly vacations to Norway with her family, immersing herself in the breathtaking Norwegian landscapes. These early adventures left an indelible mark on her, making the decision to relocate to Norway, closer to the majestic mountains, an easy one nearly two decades ago.

Anna brings a wealth of experience from the sports industry, having worked in roles encompassing sales, business development, and customer service at renowned establishments such as Oslo Sportslager, Kruse Topptur, Houdini Sportswear, and Varri.

In her leisure moments, Anna indulges in short escapades into the forest around Oslo, where she sets up her hammock, engages in morning skiing, or partakes in trail running. She has a deep passion for cycling along serene, meandering trails and relishes the exhilaration of navigating bottomless powder. Her dream for her next adventure is to visit the Alps by train.